Chaque année, nous apprenons, grâce à la recherche et à la science du bâtiment, comment améliorer l'efficacité des maisons à haute performance qui dureront. C'est dans cet esprit d'évolution constante et de science de pointe que nous avons conçu le registre des constructeurs écoénergétiques.
Certains ateliers sur l'efficacité énergétique sont maintenant offerts gratuitement aux Néo-Brunswickois grâce au financement fourni par le Fonds en fiducie pour l'environnement et/ou Énergie NB..

Cet atelier de deux jours fournira des informations destinées à améliorer votre connaissance de la science du bâtiment. Il donnera un aperçu des dernières technologies nécessaires à la construction d'une maison économe en énergie pour le consommateur d'aujourd'hui soucieux de l'efficacité énergétique.

Residential Air System Design
This revised 4-day course builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in the Residential Heat Loss & Heat Gain course. HRAI recommends that individuals interested in attending this course have prior knowledge of residential Heat Loss & Heat Gain Calculations. Participants are taken through a series of theoretical and practical exercises to understand the proper methods of residential air distribution systems designs. This includes layouts and design of duct systems, sizing of supply and return air ducts, and grills. Walk away with real world installation options including worksheets to ease the design process. The Best Part: This course is invaluable to persons installing and designing new or modifying existing air distribution systems in residential buildings.
Course dates:
February 4-7, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: January 28, 2024
April 8-11, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 1, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $1,499 + HST.

Residential Commissioning
This 2-day course will instruct participants on the proper commissioning (start-up) of residential HVAC air and water systems. The course will cover the following topics: flows and pressures within a forced air or hydronic system, ventilation system commissioning and house depressurization. HRAI recommends that individuals interested in attending this course have prior training in residential Mechanical Ventilation, Heat Loss & Heat Gain and Air System Design. The Best Part: This course will be invaluable to those installing, servicing and commissioning new or existing residential mechanical systems.
Course date:
February 19-20, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: February 12, 2025
April 8-9, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 1, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $1,029 + HST.

Depressurization Testing of Residential Systems
The participant will receive the necessary skills and knowledge to do a depressurization test to one of the three national standards as referenced in the National Building Code and elsewhere; CSA F326, CSA F300, and CSGB 5171. We start with a comparison of the standards and depressurization limits and then, a discussion of the necessary testing equipment. Included in the manual is a depressurization worksheet with an extensive setup checklist and test procedures.
Course date:
March 4, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: February 25, 2025

5-Day BUILDER Building Science Workshop
This 5-day workshop will provide information that is designed to enhance your knowledge of Building Science. It will provide an overview of the latest technologies required to build an energy-efficient house for today’s energy-efficient conscious consumer.
Participants will also learn the latest developments on approaches to Net Zero/Ready Homes focused on optimizing performance and costs. Attendees will gain insight on Net Zero/Ready design principles, equipment options, emerging technologies, and construction practices. This course reflects the advancements in technology and innovations in the Canadian housing industry.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
Course dates:
January 20-24, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: January 17, 2025
March 2-7, 2025
In-Person (Woodstock, Moncton, or Saint John)
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: February 24, 2025
April 27-May 2, 2025
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 20, 2025
May 4-9, 2025
In-Person (Edmundston)
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 27, 2025
May 25-30, 2025
In-Person (Bathurst)
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: May 18, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $375 + HST.

Nudura Basic Installation Training
Nudura's one-day training program teaches participants basic Nudura ICF installation skills for concrete homes and light commercial structures. Led by a certified Nudura installation specialist and experienced ICF installer, we'll break down the installation process, work through common building scenarios that arise in the field, and explain how our unique line of accessory products help speed up the installation process.
Course date:
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Builders & Renovators.
For Non-New Brunswick Buillders & Renovators, the fees are $150 + HST.

Business Management
This webinar will demonstrate the elements of a business plan, how to develop a business plan, some major causes of company failures in residential construction, overcoming barriers, strategic planning and so much more.
Course date:
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Foundation Fundamentals
Through participation in this on-demand course, participants will be able to understand the basic structural considerations of soils and foundations, identify soil-related problems, learn the terminology, identify soil types and bearing capacity, and identify useful builder resources, such as Foundation Water Protection options.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Drywall Installation
The Drywall webinar will explore the second‐highest defect in new housing after foundations. We will
explore the history of drywall, its history in Atlantic Canada, the problems encountered with its
installation, preventative measures for truss uplift, and more.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Net Zero Workshop
In this course, participants learn the latest developments on approaches to Net Zero/Ready Homes focused on optimizing performance and costs. Attendees will gain insight on Net Zero/Ready design principles, equipment options, emerging technologies, and construction practices. This course reflects the advancements in technology and innovations in the Canadian housing industry.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
*The 2-day Building Science workshop is a prerequisite to participate in this workshop.
Course dates:

Mini Split Heat Pump Solutions
Strategies for sizing, quoting and installing better solutions for your customers
Homeowners across New Brunswick are upgrading to heat pumps: whether you're starting with a furnace, baseboards, or other fossil fuel heating systems; heat pumps are a cost-effective choice for many different homes across the province. Get the edge on your competition by learning best practices to better size, control, and select mini-split systems to maximize homeowner cost savings and showcase how your systems reduce environmental footprints for homeowners. This half-day workshop will walk you through a case study home covering the following topics of interest.
New innovative methods to get your load calculation faster and at lower cost enabling competitive right sizing of heat pump systems.
Control strategies that enable better control of back baseboard heaters
NRCan’s ASHP sizing and selection tool tools help communicate the cost and environmental benefits of the systems you sell.
Avoid the trap of running your baseboards while your heat pump sits idling on a mild winter day and join NRCan’s Local Energy Efficiency Partnerships (LEEP) program, CHBA NB, and leading mini split manufacturers in this half-day workshop. This is a chance to network with your industry peers and discuss key issues on sizing and controls of these market-dominant heat pump systems.
Course dates:

R-2000 & ENERGY STAR® BUILDERS’ Workshop
Become a Licensed R-2000 Builder!
Join the hundreds of builders Canada-wide who stand behind the R-2000 Brand as a sign of credibility, professionalism, and demonstration of your knowledge of building excellence. R-2000 Builders are revered as experts in Energy Efficient Home Construction. The Government of Canada certifies R-2000 Homes as the best in class and is a great stepping stone as we move to Net Zero Home Construction.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
*The 2-Day Building Science Workshop is a pre-requisite for this workshop.
Course date:

Cet atelier de deux jours fournira des informations destinées à améliorer votre connaissance de la science du bâtiment. Il donnera un aperçu des dernières technologies nécessaires à la construction d'une maison économe en énergie pour le consommateur d'aujourd'hui soucieux de l'efficacité énergétique.

Dans ce cours, les participants apprennent les derniers développements sur les approches des rénovations Nette Zéro/Prêtes à consommation énergétique nette zéro axées sur le confort et la satisfaction du client. Les participants passeront en revue les principes de conception Nette Zéro/Prêtes à consommation énergétique nette zéro, les options d'équipement, les technologies émergentes et les pratiques de construction et apprendront à identifier l'écart de performance entre les maisons " existantes " et les nouvelles maisons Nette Zéro. Ce cours reflète les progrès de la technologie et les innovations dans l'industrie canadienne du logement.
A venir en hiver 2023

Cours offerts
Code national du bâtiment
Mises à jour du Code national du bâtiment
Fondations - Cours à la demande, à suivre à votre rythme
Pénétration de l'eau - Cours à la demande, à suivre à votre rythme
Gestion de projet - Webinaire de 4 heures
Droit de la construction - Webinaire de 3 heures
Gestion financière - Webinaire de 4 heures
Gestion des affaires - Webinaire de 4 heures
Marketing et ventes - Webinaire de 4 heures

Introduction to Residential HVAC Equipment
This course is designed to cover the various topics on residential HVAC equipment including: Introduction to Equipment Metrics & Basics, Furnaces, Air Conditioners, Heat Pumps, Water Heaters, Boilers, Radiator Baseboard Heaters, HRV & ERVs and Certification programs applicable to HVAC equipment. The Best Part: Get an introduction to various types of equipment and technologies available for residential heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) applications. Get performance metrics and available features for residential HVAC equipment and how to select the right HVAC equipment model based on the metrics and key features. Review and understand sample equipment specification sheets to learn how equipment performance metrics are typically presented in manufacturers’ literature.
Course date:
January 16, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: January 9, 2025
April 3, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: March 27, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $575 + HST.

Cet atelier est une exigence pour tous les constructeurs qui veulent détenir une licence pour construire des maisons Nette Zéro ACCH.
Les sujets abordés dans cet atelier sont les changements apportés aux normes du programme de ACCH Net Zéro et une révision des normes actuelles du programme.

Marketing, Sales & After Sales Customer Service
No matter what you do, your business cannot realize its full potential without a solid marketing plan to create awareness, promote your products, and cultivate customer satisfaction and loyalty. Learn a systematic approach to developing and implementing marketing objectives that align with your company’s culture and specializations.
Course date:
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Building Successful Floor Systems
Not only are flooring issues among the ‘Top Ten’ reasons for customer callbacks, but they also have the potential to be the most costly. This webinar will explore floor system problems, flooring options, and floor framing.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Residential Ventilation
The participants of this webinar will be taught a basic understanding of the National Building Code requirements of mechanical ventilation, the systems that comply, the importance of proper ventilation on indoor air quality, and problems associated with mechanical ventilation.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Construction Law - WAITLIST
This course is designed to teach and familiarize owners, managers, supervisors, and project managers with construction contracts and contract law, liabilities and responsibilities of all parties to a contract, compiling and submitting proper claims, and ways and means for leaders to avoid conflict with contracts, homeowners, trades and labour.
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members
Net Zero BUILDERS' Workshop
In this course, participants learn the latest developments on approaches to Net Zero/Ready Homes focused on optimizing performance and costs. Attendees will gain insight on Net Zero/Ready design principles, equipment options, emerging technologies, and construction practices. This course reflects the advancements in technology and innovations in the Canadian housing industry.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
*The 2-day Building Science workshop is a prerequisite to participate in this workshop.
Course dates:

Windows & Doors
This webinar will help participants understand the National Building Code requirements for windows and doors, and their installation, including flashing, sealing, and trim. The participants will also be introduced to the energy efficiency aspects as well as common problems associated with improper installation.
Course date:

This Workshop will cover changes to the ENERGY STAR® and the R-2000 Program Standards and is for builders who have already taken and are licensed R-2000 and ENERGY STAR® Builders who want to maintain their R-2000 and ENERGY STAR® Builders’ License. ENERGY STAR® and R-2000 Builders must take an Update Workshop and Certify a Home to meet the Program Standards every three years to maintain their license with these Programs. This is not for new builders wishing to participate in these Programs. New builders are required to take the 2-Day Building Science Workshop found above in this document.
*This workshop is a requirement for all builders who currently hold a license to build ENERGY STAR® and/or R-2000 homes.
Course date:

C'est l'occasion de devenir un constructeur agréé Energy Star et/ou R-2000 ou de mettre à jour votre statut actuel.
Les sujets abordés dans cet atelier sont les changements apportés aux normes R-2000 et ENERGY STAR® ainsi qu'un examen des normes actuelles du programme.

Residential Ventilation using CSA F326
Participants will use extensive worksheets in conjunction with detailed procedures to select equipment, size ducts and specify installation and control details necessary to design ventilation systems that satisfy building code requirements throughout Canada based on the National CSA F326 standard. CSA F326 allows for much greater flexibility and has no scope restrictions compared to local building codes.
Course dates:
February 25-27, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadlines: February 18, 2025
April 22-24, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 15, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $1,299 + HST.

HRV/ERV Installation & Balancing Fundamentals
Participants will receive the skills and knowledge to balance the airflows of Heat and Energy Recovery Ventilators (HRV/ERVs). They will also have an overview of the installation and measurement requirements. An HRAI checklist for the installation and servicing of HRVs and ventilation systems will be made available, for use when on the job. After an instructor-led demonstration participants will be divided into two groups to complete a hands-on assessment of balancing and a brief exam on installation requirements and the theory and application of airflow measurement. Participants are encouraged to bring their own measuring equipment and use it in a comfortable learning environment.
Course date:
February 18, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: February 11, 2024
March 18, 2025
10:30 AM - 6:30 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: March 11, 2024
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $719 + HST.

HOT2000 For Builders
Hot2000 can be used to help you select the energy-efficient building products and housing construction details that will assist you in meeting your energy targets. Join us for this day of Hot2000 modeling and learn more about the modeling process and how Hot2000 can be your energy efficiency calculator.
*HOT2000 is an energy simulation modelling software developed and maintained by Natural Resources Canada to support the EnerGuide Rating System, ENERGY STAR® for New Homes, and R-2000 residential energy efficiency initiatives.
Course dates:
February 4-6, 2025
In-person (Fredericton)
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: January 31, 2025
June 3-5, 2025
In-person (Moncton)
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: May 27, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of $375 + HST.

National Building Code (NBC) Update
The changes made to the National Building Code between the 2015 and 2020 editions will be reviewed. An opportunity will be given to participants for questions or comments, with respect to these changes.
*Only one NBC Update or the full NBC Workshop is required.
Course date:
All Update Sessions are Virtual
January 15, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: January 10, 2025
29 janvier 2025
11 h 00 à 13 h 00, heure normale de l'Atlantique
Date limite d’inscription : 23 janvier 2025
February 12, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: February 7, 2025
April 16, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Atlantic Standard Time
Registration deadline: April 11, 2025
This workshop is FREE for New Brunswick Residential Construction Industry Professionals.
All other participants will be charged a fee of:
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$300 + HST Non-Members

Project Management
What are the owner’s responsibilities? What are the major problems companies encounter on construction sites? What is the role of the project manager and what characteristics are essential for that person? This webinar will demonstrate the basics of project management, and provide information to help increase your productivity and keep costs in check.
Course date:
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Water Penetration
This on-demand course is an introduction to the NBC, 9.27 Cladding and Required Protection from Precipitation, focusing on above-grade walls. The participants learn to recognize and understand that precipitation is part of Building Code compliance and that builders have an obligation to meet Code but are encouraged to build beyond this because failure to protect your builds could affect your business, reputation, and profitability.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

Financial Management
This webinar will explore the business and tax structures of Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, and Corporations, your liabilities, HST and its “Mechanics”, as well as many other topics related to the financial aspects of your business.
Course date:
Webinar Available On Demand
Virtual Training
$150 + HST AHW/CHBA Members
$200 + HST Non-Members

R-2000 & ENERGY STAR® Workshop
Join the hundreds of builders Canada-wide who stand behind the R-2000 Brand as a sign of credibility, professionalism, and demonstration of your knowledge of building excellence. R-2000 Builders are revered as experts in Energy Efficient Home Construction. The Government of Canada certifies R-2000 Homes as the best in class and is a great stepping stone as we move to Net Zero Home Construction.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
*The 2-Day Building Science Workshop is a pre-requisite for this workshop.
Course dates:

Building Officials Guide to Inspecting Air & Ground Source Heat Pumps
Geothermal, a clean, renewable energy source, is gaining in popularity among home and business owners. Through geothermal heat pumps (GHP) or ground source heat pumps (GSHP) that harness this energy, are building officials ready to inspect this equipment?
In this course, Building Officials will become familiar with operations and processes when inspecting air and ground source heat pumps. Participants will learn how earlier versions of heat pumps operated. This will lead to a discussion of what makes modern system functionality more efficient in northern climates.
National and Provincial Building Codes will be referenced, as well as, an assortment of textbooks and instructional texts related to the history and operation of heat pumps.
Building Officials taking this course will walk away with a step-by-step procedure for inspecting air and ground source heat pump equipment during a home/business inspection, including reviewing full inspection report documentation.
Course date:

2-Day BUILDER Building Science Workshop
This 2-day workshop will provide information that is designed to enhance your knowledge of Building Science. It will provide an overview of the latest technologies required to build an energy-efficient house for today’s energy-efficient conscious consumer.
This session is delivered in both official languages.
*This is a pre-requisite for the R-2000 and Net Zero courses.
Course date:

LEEP Integrated Design Process (IDP)
Building Codes are changing and will soon require higher levels of performance. These higher levels require new tools to measure and verify performance levels and benefit from new team-based design strategies to help with complex decision-making. IDP presents a powerful new project development tool for builders: It’s a collaborative approach to project design and project management essential for efficient, high-performance results. IDP coordinates Targets, Tools and Teamwork. New tools measure and predict performance results. Key project decision-makers, designers, trades, and consultants, work together in a charrette (workshop) format, to compare options and optimize design decisions for the greatest overall impact. Priorities include time and cost investments.
More analysis and coordination at the front end of the project is driven by performance targets and codes. Tools and assessments provide measured data. Multiple options are evaluated and selected to best complement each other and meet the project objectives. The IDP process provides measured performance indicators and informed decision-making - before the tender documents are finalized - to avoid the cost and complexity of changes and coordination implemented later in the construction timeline.
Course date: